A brief was set to create a blissful rear garden in an urban setting, which could evoke fond memories and glimpses of the client's family home in which she grew up in within a rural Sussex setting. Her Family home was the hub for the wider family and family friends, in which major events such as wedding parties, anniversaries and Christmas was spent. The client therefore wanted to harness as space which was special in which she could provided the same memories and feeling of belonging to her Children and future grand-children.
A large pond is provided which has a weathered steel water feature included, which makes it's way down through a planting bed and slowly trickles into the pond to keep it oxygenated. A outdoor kitchen dining space has been included, a large decking area and outdoor shelters views onto the pond as well to provide zen moments.
A medium sized domestic back of house garden scheme which was tailored to provide an all-round package of nature, wildlife, socialisation and day to day living within an urban residential setting.​
Therefore the design produced encompasses opportunities for socialisation on weekends, provides calming elements for moments of rest, whilst also providing hardy open green space for day to day internal family use.
Inspiration was born through the clients admiration of flower shows. Therefore a RHS Hampton Court Gold Medal Awarded Garden we had once assisted with, which involved red rope immersed in planting schemes became the inspiration. A 'Red Thread' emerged into the detailing of the design, which was incorporated into planting panels to entice direction and provide a low cost, Gold medal worthy addition to the overall design statement.​​
Due to a declining level change within the topography of the garden, a design was developed which consisted of two main entertaining areas that were connected by three steps. Hence the name we gave the design, The Two, Three.
The ambition was to create a design which would create an impact on first view, with opportunities to explore through providing a variant of levels and spaces.
Due to the limited space a linear / rectangular method of design was the best way to go.
Keeping the colour palette balanced by only using vegeative tones alongside mid-grey paving and mid-tone timber ensured no emphasis would be taken away from the garden formation . Essentially you can explore the garden without getting too side-focused by particular details, which provided an overall sensual experience.
The brief was set with the practicalities of being able to accommodate the parking of at least three vehicles and provide an area suitable for domestic bins, which could be screened and out of sight.
After discovering a mutual interest with client regarding retro arcade games, we soon became very encapsulated in the idea of forming a design based on the game of Tetris.
A variety of hard surfaces, including paving, smoothed concrete and gravel fix into one another to create an exciting and usable surface.
The soft landscape elements take in the same tetris-inspired characteristics, with a mixture of grass area, low-planting borders and raised planters being used to increase the overall interest of the space.
The front garden was enclosed with a low rendered wall with a stone coping, with an additional stainless steel railing on-top to increase the height of wall for privacy.
A domestic haven with a multitude of avenues and opportunities to explore the garden in various lights.
Amenity lawn is provided and a number of sporadic hard surfaced areas are dotted around the garden which can all be used in various manners as ever the home-owner pleases to use it.
Sporadic low-ground planting helps to shape the garden and add rigidity to the various garden pocket rooms created.